Get Involved


Participation of interested parties and stakeholders is critical to the NETA Standards development program. NETA works to assure the process followed during standards development activities is fair, open, and balanced among interests represented by the standards. 

Ballot Pool Participation

NETA Standards also have input from a consensus body (ballot pool) established at the beginning of each revision cycle. Ballot pool participation is governed by the NETA Standards Review Council, and is open to any materially affected party willing to participate in the process of reviewing the draft document and returning ballots in accordance with NETA Operating Principles and Procedures. Applications are accepted at any time, and are considered based upon application and curriculum vitae information submitted, space available, and interest category. NETA works to assure that there is balance among interest group categories: producers, users, and general interest.

To be considered for future ballot pool membership, please complete and submit a Ballot Pool Application along with a copy of your resume or CV to the NETA office at

Submit Comments

Submitting Public Comments: As with any American National Standard, anyone from the general public is welcome to submit comments on the candidate standard during public comment periods. Public comment periods, as well as PINs notices, are announced in ANSI Standards Action.
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Submitting General Comments: General comments or proposals concerning one of the ANSI/NETA standards may be emailed to, or submitted by accessing the NETA Form for Comments or NETA Form for Proposals.