Industry Alliance Partners



The Industry Alliance classification is open to organizations that support the electrical testing industry, including companies interested in obtaining accreditation.

Overview of Benefits

Similar to the Standard Alliance Program, employees of an Industry Alliance Partner company will enjoy benefits focused on professional development, discounted pricing, and invitation-only participation opportunities. 

Participation in NETA Working Committees

One of the many benefits offered by the Industry Alliance Program is the opportunity to participate in NETA working committee activities. Interested parties should click here to complete the application and submit it to the NETA office for consideration.


To  maintain company status as a NETA Industry Alliance Partner, an annual subscription fee of $950 (USD) will be collected per company. This fee extends the Industry Alliance Program benefits to 15 employees of the company.

Application Process

To participate in the NETA Industry Alliance Partner program, interested companies are invited to complete the application for consideration. To submit an application, please click here.